Hasbro mp3-soitin 02015 Manuaali

2 Sivut Englanti

Hasbro mp3-soitin 02015
Getting Started
Getting Started
4.Place HitClips Recordable Chip
into Player as shown in
Diagram 4.
5.Place the Player unit into the
docking station.
Ages 5 & Up
Item No. 02015
Recording onto your
HitClips Recordable Chip
Recording onto your
HitClips Recordable Chip
Your new Yahoo! HitClips Downloader can record sounds
and music right off of your computer and the internet
without any special software, or use of a Comm Port. It
plugs right into your external speaker or headphone
output jack.
1.Install batteries as described below.
2.Plug the built-in input plug into your computer' s
external speaker or headphone jack. If you have
trouble finding this jack, check the user manual for
your computer.
Note # 4: If you do not have external speakers or
headphones you can still use the HitClips Downloader,
but you will not be able to hear the sounds at the
same time as you are recording (Refer to the section
on How to Record).
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
Diagram 4
1.Place the Recordable Chip into the Downloader.
2.Make sure that all cables are attached as
described above
3.Depress the REC button located on the Recordable
chip. (See Diagram 1)
4. The red light in the middle of the Chip will start to
blink on and off. This indicates that the Downloader
is ready to record.
Note: The Yahoo! HitClips Downloader will record
almost any sound that can be played or heard
through the speakers of your computer, provided
they are played at a high enough volume level. (See
section 6)
5.Play the sounds or music on your computer as you
would normally do.
6.The HitClips Downloader will automatically start
recording when it senses sound being passed through
the system.
Note # 1: Before recording, set your computer's
output volume at about 50% of full.
Note # 2: If the Downloader does NOT start recording,
try turning the output volume, on your computer, up
until it is at a level that activates recording.
Note # 3: Playback sound volume will vary depending
upon the output volume on your computer.
Note # 4: By changing your computer's output
volume, you can change the way your recording
sounds. You can experiment by adjusting the output
volume during recording then playing back your
recording on the player.
7. You will know you are recording when the blinking
light stops blinking and stays on bright red. The
Recordable Chip that comes with the Downloader will
record for approximately 2 minutes. Time may vary
depending on sound quality and complexity of the
sounds being recorded.
a. You can monitor what you are recording if you
have attached external speakers or headphones
to the Pass-through jack on the docking station.
b. If you do not attach speakers or headphones,
you will not be able to hear the sounds that you
are recording.
8.When the Red Light on the Recordable Chip goes off,
the recording has stopped.
9. You can stop recording manually by depressing the
STOP button on the Recordable chip. (See Diagram 1)
10. Your Recordable Chip can be used over and over again.
3. In order to continue to hear music, you must now
attach your external speakers or headphones to the
Pass-through jack located on the HitClips Downloader's
docking station (See Diagram 3)
Note # 1: If you do not plug external speakers or
headphones into the Pass-through jack you will NOT
be able to hear what you are recording or the sound
from your computer.
Note # 2: Once the docking station is set up, you can
leave it attached to your computer as well as leave the
external speakers attached to the Pass-through jack.
Note # 3: Pass-through function is only to monitor
sounds. Not to indicate recorded sound level.
Docking Station
HitClip Chip
3.5mm Audio Input Plug
Play Button
Diagram 1
For more details on using
your Yahoo! HitClips Downloader,
visit www.tigertoys.com and
click on the icon.
Actual Size =148mm (W) X 262.5mm (H)
Asiaankuuluvat Manuaalit Hasbro mp3-soitin 02015