Mitsubishi Electronics verkon reititin A1SJ71AP23Q Manuaali

158 Sivut Englanti

Mitsubishi Electronics verkon reititin A1SJ71AP23Q
3 - 17
3.6 Details of Buffer Memory
3.6.1 Precautions
3.6 Details of Buffer Memory
This section describes details of a buffer memory of a local module.
3.6.1 Precautions
(1) Reading/writing a buffer memory
Read/write the buffer memory from/to the sequence scan where Refresh ready status
(X7) is ON.
When the sequence scan is read/written to/from the sequence scan where Refresh
ready status (X7) is OFF, the sequence scan time for the host station may be
prolonged, or the CPU module may stop due to SP.UNIT DOWN.
(2) Buffer memory batch monitor/test of GX Developer
Buffer memory batch monitor/test of GX Developer cannot be used.
When executing buffer memory batch monitor/test of GX Developer, the sequence
scan time for the host station may be prolonged, or the CPU module may stop due to
In addition, when the host station is offline, station-to-station test or self-loopback test,
a communication error occurs to GX Developer.
When monitoring/testing link data storage area of a buffer memory, monitor/test the
device of the refresh target CPU module.
Devices of the CPU module can be checked by the device batch monitor/test of GX
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Asiaankuuluvat Manuaalit Mitsubishi Electronics verkon reititin A1SJ71AP23Q