Wi-Ex stereojärjestelmä YX699 Manuaali

2 Sivut Englanti

Wi-Ex stereojärjestelmä YX699
© 2008 Wi-Ex
YX699 Signal Meter
Preparing the YX699 Signal Meter for use:
Remove 3 screws from the back of the case to unsecure battery
compartment, remove the cover, install 3 AA batteries, replace
cover and reinstall screws.
To measure signal strength:
1. Attach the supplied rubber whip antenna to the connector at
the top of the meter.
2. Turn on the meter with the power switch on the side of the
signal meter. After a few seconds, the meter will indicate the
received signal strength on the display.
3. Select the desired band by pressing the BAND button on the
front of the meter. The LED will light green for the CEL band
(800 MHz) or orange for the PCS band (1900 MHz). Pressing
the BAND button again will toggle the meter between the CEL
and PCS bands.
4. The meter will now indicate the received signal strength of the
selected band. A greater number indicates a stronger signal.
5. As you move about, the meter will indicate the received signal
6. Turn off the meter when not in use to maximize battery life.
To measure directional antenna signal strength:
1. Disconnect the supplied whip antenna from the top of the
signal meter.
2. Attach the supplied coax cable and connect the directional
antenna to the signal meter.
Asiaankuuluvat Manuaalit Wi-Ex stereojärjestelmä YX699