Bauknecht pesukone wa 5340 Manuaali

56 Sivut Englanti

Bauknecht pesukone wa 5340
The programme time indicated on the remaining
time display (if fitted) “jumps” up or down
suddenly by several minutes, or the programme
time shown initially is lengthened/shortened by a
period of time:
This is a normal capacity of the washing machine to
adapt to factors that the wash programme time can
have an effect on, e.g.:
excessive foaming
load unbalance through individual, heavy items of
long heating time from correspondingly cold water
Because of influences like these, the time remaining in
the programme run is recalculated, and updated if
necessary. In addition, during the filling phase, the
washing machine determines the load and if necessary
adjusts the initial programme time displayed accordingly.
Failure indication table
Failure indication table for appliances with LCD
a.Failure in the water supply
The appliance has no or insufficient water supply.
For models with a failure display, the
“Water Tap
display lights up and the spin speed indication
LED flashes. If a digital display is fitted, “H
” and “F” are
also displayed alternately.
In this case, for washing machines with LCD this notice
For models with no failure display, the washing machine
stops in the appropriate programme step.
Switch the appliance off and pull out the mains plug.
Check whether:
the water tap is fully turned on, and the water supply
pressure is sufficient
The water inlet hose is kinked
The mesh filters in the water connection are blocked
(see “Care And Maintenance/Mesh filters in the
water connection”)
the water supply hose is frozen up
the washing machine has a safety hose and the safety
valve is open (red indicator in the safety valve
inspection window); in this case replace it with a new
safety hose
Reconnect the appliance to the electrical socket.
For models with a failure display, reselect the desired
programme and start it.
For models without a failure display continue the
programme by pressing the “On/Off” button again.
If the failure occurs again, please contact After Sales
Service (see “After-Sales Service”).
Luminous display
Spin speed
Digital display
(if fitted)
Failure description
“Water tap Closed” flash “H” and “F” “Failure in water supply”
- flash from “F4” toF16” “Failure in an electrical component”
- flash “P” and “F” “Draining Failure”
“Water Stop” flash “A” and “F” “Water Stop Failure”
LCD Display Start/Pause button Failure description
flash “Failure in water supply”
flash Failure in an electrical component”
flash “Draining failure”
“Water Stop failure”
flash “Water Stop failure” Page 28 Friday, July 15, 2005 1:03 PM
Black process 45.0° 100.0 LPI
Asiaankuuluvat Manuaalit Bauknecht pesukone wa 5340