HP (Hewlett-Packard) henkilökohtainen tietokone 576X-B Manuaali

1 Sivut Englanti

HP (Hewlett-Packard) henkilökohtainen tietokone 576X-B
hp hp pavilion pavilion 576x-b
576x-b desktop desktop pc
pc bundle bundle
hp hp pavilion pavilion 576x-b
576x-b desktop desktop pc
pc bundle bundle
hp hp pavilion pavilion 576x-b
576x-b desktop desktop pc
pc bundle bundle
datasheet datasheet
datasheet datasheet datasheet datasheet
key specifications
MicroprocessorMicroprocessor MicroprocessorMicroprocessor
IntelIntel® ® CeleronCeleronTM TM Processor Processor 2.4GHz2.4GHz(a)(a)IntelIntel®
Processor Processor 2.4GHz2.4GHz(a)
Front-side Front-side BusBus Front-side Front-side BusBus
MemoryMemory MemoryMemory
512MB 512MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB), 1GB), up up to to 64MB 64MB allocated allocated to to video video memorymemory512MB 512MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB), 1GB), up up to to 64MB 64MB allocated allocated to to video video memorymemory
Hard Hard DriveDrive Hard Hard DriveDrive
40GB 40GB Ultra Ultra DMA DMA hard hard drivedrive(b)(b)40GB 40GB Ultra Ultra DMA DMA hard hard drivedrive(b)
Multimedia Multimedia DriveDrive Multimedia Multimedia DriveDrive
DVD-ROM DVD-ROM drive drive 16x 16x max. max. speedspeedDVD-ROM DVD-ROM drive drive 16x 16x max. max. speedspeed
CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive
CD-RW: CD-RW: 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-write; CD-write; 12x 12x max. max. speed speed CD/re-write; CD/re-write; 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-readCD-read(d)(d)CD-RW: CD-RW: 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-write; CD-write; 12x 12x max. max. speed speed CD/re-write; CD/re-write; 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-readCD-read(d)
Video Video GraphicsGraphics Video Video GraphicsGraphics
Integrated Integrated IntelIntel®® Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemoryIntegrated Integrated IntelIntel®
Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemory
Network Network CardCard Network Network CardCard
10/100 10/100 Base-T Base-T Fast Fast Ethernet Ethernet InterfaceInterface10/100 10/100 Base-T Base-T Fast Fast Ethernet Ethernet InterfaceInterface
SoundSound SoundSound
Integrated Integrated AC AC '97, '97, 6-channel 6-channel configurable configurable audioaudioIntegrated Integrated AC AC '97, '97, 6-channel 6-channel configurable configurable audioaudio
Fax/ModemFax/Modem Fax/ModemFax/Modem
High-speed High-speed V.90 V.90 data/fax data/fax modemmodemHigh-speed High-speed V.90 V.90 data/fax data/fax modemmodem
Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts
2 2 USB USB 2.02.02 2 USB USB 2.02.0
Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays
External: External: (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; (1) (1) 3.5"; 3.5"; Internal: Internal: (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"External: External: (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; (1) (1) 3.5"; 3.5"; Internal: Internal: (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"
Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays
(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 InternalInternal(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 InternalInternal
Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots
(3) (3) PCIPCI(3) (3) PCIPCI
Available Available SlotsSlots Available Available SlotsSlots
(2) (2) PCIPCI(2) (2) PCIPCI
Total Total External External PortsPorts Total Total External External PortsPorts
6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/26 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/2
Available Available External External PortsPorts Available Available External External PortsPorts
6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel
Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots
2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)
Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots
1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)
Memory Memory SpeedSpeed Memory Memory SpeedSpeed
2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)
Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1) Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1)
8KB 8KB Data Data + + 12,000 12,000 uOps uOps TraceTrace8KB 8KB Data Data + + 12,000 12,000 uOps uOps TraceTrace
Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2) Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2)
KeyboardKeyboard KeyboardKeyboard
HP HP Internet Internet command command center center one-touch one-touch Internet Internet keyboardkeyboardHP HP Internet Internet command command center center one-touch one-touch Internet Internet keyboardkeyboard
MouseMouse MouseMouse
2 2 button button PS/2 PS/2 scrolling scrolling mousemouse2 2 button button PS/2 PS/2 scrolling scrolling mousemouse
Diskette Diskette DriveDrive Diskette Diskette DriveDrive
(1) (1) 3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)(1) (1) 3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
Warranty Warranty Coverage: Coverage: Hardware Hardware - - One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty, warranty, 24 24 hours, hours, 7 7 days days a a week week toll-free toll-free phone phone support; support; Software Software - - 30 30 days
days replacement replacement of of defective defective application application media, media, 1 1 year year technical technical toll-free toll-free phone phone assistance. assistance.
Service Service Delivery Delivery Options:Options: Customer Customer Replacement Replacement Parts, Parts, Return Return to to HP HP for for repair repair or or Authorized Authorized Service Service ProviderProvider
Warranty Warranty Coverage: Coverage: Hardware Hardware - - One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty, warranty, 24 24 hours, hours, 7 7 days days a a week week toll-free toll-free phone phone support; support; Software Software - - 30 30 days
days replacement replacement of of defective defective application application media, media, 1 1 year year technical technical toll-free toll-free phone phone assistance. assistance.
Service Service Delivery Delivery Options:Options: Customer Customer Replacement Replacement Parts, Parts, Return Return to to HP HP for for repair repair or or Authorized Authorized Service Service ProviderProvider
MonitorMonitor MonitorMonitor
F50 F50 15" 15" Flat Flat Panel Panel DisplayDisplayF50 F50 15" 15" Flat Flat Panel Panel DisplayDisplay
key specifications
MicroprocessorMicroprocessor MicroprocessorMicroprocessor
IntelIntel® ® CeleronCeleronTM TM Processor Processor 2.4GHz2.4GHz(a)(a)IntelIntel®
Processor Processor 2.4GHz2.4GHz(a)
Front-side Front-side BusBus Front-side Front-side BusBus
MemoryMemory MemoryMemory
512MB 512MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB), 1GB), up up to to 64MB 64MB allocated allocated to to video video memorymemory512MB 512MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB), 1GB), up up to to 64MB 64MB allocated allocated to to video video memorymemory
Hard Hard DriveDrive Hard Hard DriveDrive
40GB 40GB Ultra Ultra DMA DMA hard hard drivedrive(b)(b)40GB 40GB Ultra Ultra DMA DMA hard hard drivedrive(b)
Multimedia Multimedia DriveDrive Multimedia Multimedia DriveDrive
DVD-ROM DVD-ROM drive drive 16x 16x max. max. speedspeedDVD-ROM DVD-ROM drive drive 16x 16x max. max. speedspeed
CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive
CD-RW: CD-RW: 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-write; CD-write; 12x 12x max. max. speed speed CD/re-write; CD/re-write; 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-readCD-read(d)(d)CD-RW: CD-RW: 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-write; CD-write; 12x 12x max. max. speed speed CD/re-write; CD/re-write; 48x 48x max. max. speed speed CD-readCD-read(d)
Video Video GraphicsGraphics Video Video GraphicsGraphics
Integrated Integrated IntelIntel®® Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemoryIntegrated Integrated IntelIntel®
Extreme Extreme Graphics Graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemory
Network Network CardCard Network Network CardCard
10/100 10/100 Base-T Base-T Fast Fast Ethernet Ethernet InterfaceInterface10/100 10/100 Base-T Base-T Fast Fast Ethernet Ethernet InterfaceInterface
SoundSound SoundSound
Integrated Integrated AC AC '97, '97, 6-channel 6-channel configurable configurable audioaudioIntegrated Integrated AC AC '97, '97, 6-channel 6-channel configurable configurable audioaudio
Fax/ModemFax/Modem Fax/ModemFax/Modem
High-speed High-speed V.90 V.90 data/fax data/fax modemmodemHigh-speed High-speed V.90 V.90 data/fax data/fax modemmodem
Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts
2 2 USB USB 2.02.02 2 USB USB 2.02.0
Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays
External: External: (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; (1) (1) 3.5"; 3.5"; Internal: Internal: (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"External: External: (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; (1) (1) 3.5"; 3.5"; Internal: Internal: (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"
Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays
(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 InternalInternal(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 InternalInternal
Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots
(3) (3) PCIPCI(3) (3) PCIPCI
Available Available SlotsSlots Available Available SlotsSlots
(2) (2) PCIPCI(2) (2) PCIPCI
Total Total External External PortsPorts Total Total External External PortsPorts
6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/26 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/2
Available Available External External PortsPorts Available Available External External PortsPorts
6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel
Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots
2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)
Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots
1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)
Memory Memory SpeedSpeed Memory Memory SpeedSpeed
2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)
Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1) Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1)
8KB 8KB Data Data + + 12,000 12,000 uOps uOps TraceTrace8KB 8KB Data Data + + 12,000 12,000 uOps uOps TraceTrace
Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2) Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2)
KeyboardKeyboard KeyboardKeyboard
HP HP Internet Internet command command center center one-touch one-touch Internet Internet keyboardkeyboardHP HP Internet Internet command command center center one-touch one-touch Internet Internet keyboardkeyboard
MouseMouse MouseMouse
2 2 button button PS/2 PS/2 scrolling scrolling mousemouse2 2 button button PS/2 PS/2 scrolling scrolling mousemouse
Diskette Diskette DriveDrive Diskette Diskette DriveDrive
(1) (1) 3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)(1) (1) 3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
Warranty Warranty Coverage: Coverage: Hardware Hardware - - One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty, warranty, 24 24 hours, hours, 7 7 days days a a week week toll-free toll-free phone phone support; support; Software Software - - 30 30 days
days replacement replacement of of defective defective application application media, media, 1 1 year year technical technical toll-free toll-free phone phone assistance. assistance.
Service Service Delivery Delivery Options:Options: Customer Customer Replacement Replacement Parts, Parts, Return Return to to HP HP for for repair repair or or Authorized Authorized Service Service ProviderProvider
Warranty Warranty Coverage: Coverage: Hardware Hardware - - One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty, warranty, 24 24 hours, hours, 7 7 days days a a week week toll-free toll-free phone phone support; support; Software Software - - 30 30 days
days replacement replacement of of defective defective application application media, media, 1 1 year year technical technical toll-free toll-free phone phone assistance. assistance.
Service Service Delivery Delivery Options:Options: Customer Customer Replacement Replacement Parts, Parts, Return Return to to HP HP for for repair repair or or Authorized Authorized Service Service ProviderProvider
MonitorMonitor MonitorMonitor
F50 F50 15" 15" Flat Flat Panel Panel DisplayDisplayF50 F50 15" 15" Flat Flat Panel Panel DisplayDisplay
bundled software
Operating Operating System System
- - HP HP Recommends Recommends MicrosoftMicrosoft®® WindowsWindows®® XP XP Home
Home Edition Edition
Productivity Productivity
- - Create Create impressive impressive documents documents and and spreadsheets
spreadsheets with with WordPerfect WordPerfect Productivity Productivity Pack
Pack 2002: 2002: WordPerfect WordPerfect 10 10 and and Quattro Quattro Pro Pro 10
Photo Photo
- - Edit Edit and and print print your your digital digital photos photos with with ArcSoft ArcSoft PhotoImpression
PhotoImpression and and HP HP Print Print Creator Creator
- - Back-up Back-up digital digital photos photos to to CD/DVD CD/DVD with with Simple
Simple Backup Backup for for My My Pictures Pictures
- - Create Create photo photo slideshows, slideshows, greeting greeting cards, cards, and and other
other projects projects with with HP HP Memories Memories Disk Disk Creator, Creator, Arcsoft
Arcsoft Funhouse Funhouse and and Greeting Greeting Card Card Creator Creator
Online Online Services Services
Easy Easy sign-up sign-up to to major major dial-up dial-up and and broadband broadband Internet
Internet Service Service Providers: Providers:
- - AOL AOL dial-up dial-up (3 (3 months months trial trial service service included) included)
- - MSN MSN dial-up dial-up (6 (6 months months trial trial service service included) included)
- - Earthlink Earthlink dial-up dial-up (3 (3 months months trial trial service service included)
- - AOL AOL - - DSL DSL & & Cable Cable
- - Earthlink Earthlink - - DSL, DSL, Cable, Cable, & & Satellite Satellite
- - SBC SBC Yahoo! Yahoo! DSL DSL
Music Music Software Software
- - Play Play DVD DVD movies movies with with InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD SE SE
- - Burn Burn music music CDs/DVDs CDs/DVDs and and back-up back-up your your data
data to to CDs/DVDs CDs/DVDs with with RecordNow RecordNow
- - Rip, Rip, organize, organize, and and listen listen to to your your music music with with MusicMatch
MusicMatch Jukebox- Jukebox- includes includes 100 100 mp3 mp3 selections
selections from from Emusic.com Emusic.com
Finance Finance
- - Get Get started started tracking tracking your your home home finances finances and and investments
investments with with Intuit Intuit Quicken Quicken New New User's User's Edition
Edition 2003 2003
PC PC Security Security
- - Protect Protect your your PC PC with with Symantec Symantec Norton Norton Antivirus
Antivirus 2003-includes 2003-includes 60 60 days days of of complimentary
complimentary live live updates updates
Post-purchase Post-purchase Promotion Promotion
- - Visit Visit www.myhpclub.com: www.myhpclub.com: the the destination destination web web site
site for for hp hp pavilion pavilion desktop desktop PC PC owners owners
bundled software
Operating Operating System System Operating Operating System System
- - HP HP Recommends Recommends MicrosoftMicrosoft®® WindowsWindows®® XP XP Home
Home Edition Edition
- - HP HP Recommends Recommends MicrosoftMicrosoft®
XP XP Home
Home Edition Edition
Productivity Productivity Productivity Productivity
- - Create Create impressive impressive documents documents and and spreadsheets
spreadsheets with with WordPerfect WordPerfect Productivity Productivity Pack
Pack 2002: 2002: WordPerfect WordPerfect 10 10 and and Quattro Quattro Pro Pro 10
- - Create Create impressive impressive documents documents and and spreadsheets
spreadsheets with with WordPerfect WordPerfect Productivity Productivity Pack
Pack 2002: 2002: WordPerfect WordPerfect 10 10 and and Quattro Quattro Pro Pro 10
Photo Photo Photo Photo
- - Edit Edit and and print print your your digital digital photos photos with with ArcSoft ArcSoft PhotoImpression
PhotoImpression and and HP HP Print Print Creator Creator
- - Back-up Back-up digital digital photos photos to to CD/DVD CD/DVD with with Simple
Simple Backup Backup for for My My Pictures Pictures
- - Create Create photo photo slideshows, slideshows, greeting greeting cards, cards, and and other
other projects projects with with HP HP Memories Memories Disk Disk Creator, Creator, Arcsoft
Arcsoft Funhouse Funhouse and and Greeting Greeting Card Card Creator Creator
- - Edit Edit and and print print your your digital digital photos photos with with ArcSoft ArcSoft PhotoImpression
PhotoImpression and and HP HP Print Print Creator Creator
- - Back-up Back-up digital digital photos photos to to CD/DVD CD/DVD with with Simple
Simple Backup Backup for for My My Pictures Pictures
- - Create Create photo photo slideshows, slideshows, greeting greeting cards, cards, and and other
other projects projects with with HP HP Memories Memories Disk Disk Creator, Creator, Arcsoft
Arcsoft Funhouse Funhouse and and Greeting Greeting Card Card Creator Creator
Online Online Services Services Online Online Services Services
Easy Easy sign-up sign-up to to major major dial-up dial-up and and broadband broadband Internet
Internet Service Service Providers: Providers:
- - AOL AOL dial-up dial-up (3 (3 months months trial trial service service included) included)
- - MSN MSN dial-up dial-up (6 (6 months months trial trial service service included) included)
- - Earthlink Earthlink dial-up dial-up (3 (3 months months trial trial service service included)
- - AOL AOL - - DSL DSL & & Cable Cable
- - Earthlink Earthlink - - DSL, DSL, Cable, Cable, & & Satellite Satellite
- - SBC SBC Yahoo! Yahoo! DSL DSL
Easy Easy sign-up sign-up to to major major dial-up dial-up and and broadband broadband Internet
Internet Service Service Providers: Providers:
- - AOL AOL dial-up dial-up (3 (3 months months trial trial service service included) included)
- - MSN MSN dial-up dial-up (6 (6 months months trial trial service service included) included)
- - Earthlink Earthlink dial-up dial-up (3 (3 months months trial trial service service included)
- - AOL AOL - - DSL DSL & & Cable Cable
- - Earthlink Earthlink - - DSL, DSL, Cable, Cable, & & Satellite Satellite
- - SBC SBC Yahoo! Yahoo! DSL DSL
Music Music Software Software Music Music Software Software
- - Play Play DVD DVD movies movies with with InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD SE SE
- - Burn Burn music music CDs/DVDs CDs/DVDs and and back-up back-up your your data
data to to CDs/DVDs CDs/DVDs with with RecordNow RecordNow
- - Rip, Rip, organize, organize, and and listen listen to to your your music music with with MusicMatch
MusicMatch Jukebox- Jukebox- includes includes 100 100 mp3 mp3 selections
selections from from Emusic.com Emusic.com
- - Play Play DVD DVD movies movies with with InterVideo InterVideo WinDVD WinDVD SE SE
- - Burn Burn music music CDs/DVDs CDs/DVDs and and back-up back-up your your data
data to to CDs/DVDs CDs/DVDs with with RecordNow RecordNow
- - Rip, Rip, organize, organize, and and listen listen to to your your music music with with MusicMatch
MusicMatch Jukebox- Jukebox- includes includes 100 100 mp3 mp3 selections
selections from from Emusic.com Emusic.com
Finance Finance Finance Finance
- - Get Get started started tracking tracking your your home home finances finances and and investments
investments with with Intuit Intuit Quicken Quicken New New User's User's Edition
Edition 2003 2003
- - Get Get started started tracking tracking your your home home finances finances and and investments
investments with with Intuit Intuit Quicken Quicken New New User's User's Edition
Edition 2003 2003
PC PC Security Security PC PC Security Security
- - Protect Protect your your PC PC with with Symantec Symantec Norton Norton Antivirus
Antivirus 2003-includes 2003-includes 60 60 days days of of complimentary
complimentary live live updates updates
- - Protect Protect your your PC PC with with Symantec Symantec Norton Norton Antivirus
Antivirus 2003-includes 2003-includes 60 60 days days of of complimentary
complimentary live live updates updates
Post-purchase Post-purchase Promotion Promotion Post-purchase Post-purchase Promotion Promotion
- - Visit Visit www.myhpclub.com: www.myhpclub.com: the the destination destination web web site
site for for hp hp pavilion pavilion desktop desktop PC PC owners owners
- - Visit Visit www.myhpclub.com: www.myhpclub.com: the the destination destination web web site
site for for hp hp pavilion pavilion desktop desktop PC PC owners owners
Product Number: DK393A#ABA
Questions about the hp pavilion 576x-b desktop pc bundle?
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06/27/r1_SL06/27/r1_SL©©2003 2003 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company Company 06/27/r1_SL06/27/r1_SL©
2003 2003 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company Company
(a)(a)GHz GHz refers refers to to internal internal clock clock speed speed of of the the microprocessor. microprocessor. Other Other factors factors besides besides clock clock speed speed may may impact impact system system and and application application performance. performance. (b)(b)GB GB = = billion billion bytes. bytes. Accessible Accessible capacity capacity may may vary. vary.
HP HP and and the the invent invent signature signature are are trademarks trademarks of of the the Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All brand brand or or product product names names listed listed are are trademarks trademarks or or registered registered trademarks trademarks of of their their respective respective companies. companies. Specifications Specifications are
are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. Windows Windows is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of of Microsoft Microsoft Corporation Corporation in in the the United United States States and and other other countries. countries.
GHz GHz refers refers to to internal internal clock clock speed speed of of the the microprocessor. microprocessor. Other Other factors factors besides besides clock clock speed speed may may impact impact system system and and application application performance. performance. (b)
GB GB = = billion billion bytes. bytes. Accessible Accessible capacity capacity may may vary. vary.
HP HP and and the the invent invent signature signature are are trademarks trademarks of of the the Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All brand brand or or product product names names listed listed are are trademarks trademarks or or registered registered trademarks trademarks of of their their respective respective companies. companies. Specifications Specifications are
are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. Windows Windows is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of of Microsoft Microsoft Corporation Corporation in in the the United United States States and and other other countries. countries.
Asiaankuuluvat Manuaalit HP (Hewlett-Packard) henkilökohtainen tietokone 576X-B