Oregon Scientific digitaalikamera DS3886 Manuaali

6 Sivut Englanti

Oregon Scientific digitaalikamera DS3886
The DS3886 Digital Camera makes taking filmless photos fun
and easy!
Your choice! - Take 26 photos at a higher resolution or 107
photos at a more moderate resolution. Download your photos to
your PC (USB cable included) and then the DS3886 is ready to
take more photos! Or capture live action using the video cam
feature and the included Windows Netmeeting software.
Use the ArcSoft
PC software (included) to modify your photos
and add special effects or create montages! Post your photo
“masterpieces” on your website, incorporate them into email
greeting cards to send to friends and relatives, or print them
out on your color printer (color printer not included). Easily create
photo albums on your PC to save all the fun and memories.
In addition, you can use the Microsoft Windows Netmeeting
software (included) to have a video conference with your friends.
Install the Batteries
1. To install the batteries, unlock the battery compartment
by sliding the
battery door lock to the unlocked position.
2. Remove the battery compartment cover and insert
the batteries (included) into the battery compartment with
the polarity in the direction as shown inside the compartment.
3. Replace the cover back over the battery compartment
and slide the lock to the locked position.
Note: The DS3886 will not operate without battery power.
When the batteries need replacing the
will flash rapidly and the user will not be able to take photos.
Always download photos to the PC prior to replacing batteries
to avoid memory loss.
Important: Do not mix old batteries with new batteries.
Always dispose of exhausted batteries properly. Do not insert
anything except batteries into the battery compartment as
this may cause damage to the camera.
Select the Camera Mode
To turn the camera on, slide the
ON/OFF switch to the “On”
position. The ON/OFF slide switch is located under the battery
compartment door.
After the camera is turned on, select the desired camera mode.
The mode selections are: Standby, Normal, Continuous
Capture, Self Timer, Clear Photos and Resolution Setting.
Note: To conserve battery power the DS3886 will
automatically default to Standby mode after 30 seconds of
no activity. Press
MODE to reactivate the DS3886.
Press the
MODE button to sequentially advance through
the mode selections. The different modes are:
Standby: The DS3886 automatically defaults to this mode
conserve power after 30 seconds of no activity.
Normal mode: In this mode the DS3886 has a maximum 26
photo capacity at the higher resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. In
Low Resolution the maximum number of photos is 107. With
each photo taken the
PHOTO COUNTER will decrease by
one. In Normal mode “Hr,” (high resolution) will be briefly
displayed in the
PHOTO COUNTER window and then
be replaced by “26” indicating the maximum photo capacity.
Continuous Capture: In continuous capture the DS3886 will
take photos rapidly without interruption until the maximum
number of photos has been taken. To use this feature, press
and hold the
SHUTTER button. When the maximum
number of photos have been taken the DS3886 will stop the
audible tone. Continuous capture photos can be converted
to video file format (.AVI file) on the PC. In Continuous
Counter mode the symbol “Ct” will be displayed in the
Self Timer: The self timer feature delays taking the photo for
10 seconds. The self time symbol “St” will be displayed in the
PHOTO COUNTER window. To use this feature, press the
SHUTTER button once to activate the self time. During
the 10 second interval an audible tone will sound every second.
At the end of the 10 second delay period, the DS3886 will take
the photo. The
PHOTO COUNTER will decrease the
number of photos by one.
Clear Photos: Clear Photos mode will permanently delete all
photos stored in the DS3886. Before activating the Clear
Photos mode make sure that all photos have been downloaded
to the PC. In Clear Photo mode the symbol “CL” will be
displayed in the
PHOTO COUNTER window. To use this
feature, set the mode to “CL” and then press
button twice. The
PHOTO COUNTER window will reset
and display the photo capacity for the selected resolution.
Low Resolution: In the low resolution mode the DS3886 has
an 107 photo capacity at a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. and
the symbol “Lr” will be displayed in the
COUNTER window. Press the
SHUTTER button to select
this resolution.
Note: At low resolution the number 99 will be displayed when
the available pictures are more than 99, this is normal.
Taking Photos
1. Press
MODE to activate the camera and select the
desired camera mode.
2. When activated,
the STATUS LED will show a steady
red light.
Note: After 30 seconds of no activity, the camera will
default to Standby mode. When the camera is not
active the Status LED will not be lit.
3. Look through the
VIEWFINDER and make sure that
you can see the subject clearly.
4. Press
SHUTTER to take the photograph.
5. The
PHOTO COUNTER will decrease by a value of
one with each photo taken.
6. When a photograph is taken, a single short beep will be
emitted. After the beep sounds, the camera is ready to
take another photograph.
Important: When the maximum number of photos have been
the PHOTO COUNTER will show “00.” If
SHUTTER is pressed when “00” is displayed, a series of
short beeps will sound indicating that the maximum number
of photographs have been taken.
The photographs must be downloaded or cleared from the
camera before more photographs can be taken.
(See Downloading Photographs.)
Note: The DS3886 will not take photos in low light
conditions. When the light is too low for the DS3886, a low
tone beep will be emitted when photo is attempted.
Installing the Software (PC)
1. Make sure that no programs, such as games or anti-virus
software, are running on the PC. If programs are open,
close and exit from the programs before going on to step 2.
2. Insert the ArcSoft
CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of
the PC.
3. After a short period, a setup menu will appear on the PC
4. From the setup menu, choose what language you want
the setup instructions to be in. After highlighting your
selection, click OK.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
6. Register the software. To register the software, click on
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete registration.
Important: If the setup menu does not automatically appear
after inserting the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive, follow these
instructions: In Windows, click on START and then click on
RUN from the start menu. Type: d:\setup and press the Enter
key on your keyboard where ‘d’ is the drive letter of the CD-
Rom drive. The setup portion of the software will activate.
- The DS3886 does not need to be connected to the PC
during the software installation process.
- When you finish installing the supplied software, click “Yes,
I want to restart my computer now” only if the message
box displays “InstallShield Wizard Complete.” For other
situations, always click “No, I will restart my computer later.”
Installing the Software (MAC)
1. The DS3886 camera driver can support Adobe PhotoShop
(software not included) or ‘plug and save’ function (using
built in software in MAC computer, no application software
is needed). If there is NO Adobe PhotoShop software
installed in the MAC computer,please create a temporary
folder before camera driver installation.
Create a temporary folder:
- Double click the “Macintosh HD” icon on the desktop
- Select “File”
- Select “New Folder”
- The folder name is arbitrary. For example, edit the new
folder name to “Oregon Scientific DSC”
2. Insert the DS3886 camera driver CD into the CD ROM drive
3. Double click the CD ROM icon
4. Double click the “Mac Driver” folder in the CD ROM
5. Double click the driver installation file “DS3886 Installer”
6. Select “Continue”
7. Now, the installer software is asking for a location of folder
If Adobe PhotoShop is present in the MAC computer
- Double click the “Adobe PhotoShop” folder (in most case,
it can be found in the “Applications” folder).
- Double click the “Plug-Ins” folder
- Select the folder “Import/Export” and click “Choose”
Otherwise, select the temporary folder (say “Oregon
Scientific DSC”) as created in Step 1 and click “Choose”.
In both cases, the driver software will be installed, click
“Quit” to finish the installation.
Connecting the Camera to Your PC / MAC
Important Note
Do not connect the camera to your PC / MAC before
installing software.
1. Connect and install the
USB Cable (included) to the
USB port of your PC / MAC.
2. Open the
Camera Connection Cable Door and plug
the cable into the PC Interface Jack.
3. Follow the instructions for downloading photographs.
The DS3886 has video streaming capability on PC. To use
the web cam feature:
1. Screw the
DS3886 securely to the
The mini-stand rotates and swivels.
2. Position the camera where the
Front-View Viewfinder
is facing the subject.
3. Follow instructions provided in the Windows Netmeeting
software for video conferencing function.
Note for Windows 2000 Users:
- After the installation, “Found New Hardware” pops up
when the camera is connected the first time.
1. Press “Next” when “Welcome to the Found New
Hardware Wizard” window is shown.
2. When “Install Hardware Device Drivers” window is
shown, choose “Search for a suitable driver for my
device (recommended)” and press “Next”.
3. When “Locate Driver Files” window is shown, check
“CD-COM drives” and press “Next”.
4. When “Driver Files Search Results” window is shown
and indicated that the driver for “Oregon Scientific
DS3886 / YC@m” is found, press “Next”.
5. When “Digital Signature Not Found” message appears”,
press “Yes” to continue.
6. When “Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard”
window is shown, press “Finish”.
- The Windows 2000 Professional CD may be required
during installation. In this case, switch CDs as directed
by on-screen instructions.
Note for Windows XP Users:
- After the installation, “Found New Hardware” balloon
message pops up at task bar when the camera is
connected the first time.
1. When “Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard”
window is shown, choose “Install the software
automatically (Recommended)” and press “Next”.
2. Wait until the “Completing the Found New Hardware
Wizard” window is shown, press “Finish”.
- The Windows 2000 Professional CD may be required
during installation. In this case, switch CDs as directed
by on-screen instructions.
Downloading Photos (PC)
To run the ArcSoft
software, from the main menu screen in
Windows, click on “Start.” After clicking on “Start,” click on
“Programs” and then on “ARCSOFT Photo Studio Suite.”
Once the ArcSoft
menu appears, click on the program that
you want to use.
Downloading Photos:
1. Connect the DS3886 to the PC. (See Connecting the
Camera to Your PC.)
2. Open the ArcSoft
software and from the main menu
select and click on “Photo Base” to open.
3. From the “Photo Base” menu, click on “Acquire” (the
camera icon). A pull down menu will appear. Select
“Oregon Scientific” and click “Select.”
4. The photos will be displayed on the screen in thumbnail
form. (The photos will be in a reduced size and shown on
the screen at the same time.)
5. To download all the photos to the PC, click “Select All”
and then click “OK”.
To download selected photos, click on each desired
thumbnail photos and then click “OK”.
6. To stop the download process, click on the “X” in the right
corner of the “Oregon Scientific.”
Downloading the pictures by using the “Plug
and Save” function (MAC)
1. When the camera is connected to the MAC computer, a
dialog box will appear and asking for the location to save
the still picture or movie files. The default folder for saving
pictures or movie is “Oregon Scientific DS3886 / YC@m”,
and the default filename will be assigned according to the
current date and time. It is also possible to change the
default folder or filename by user input.
Note: If there is no pictures or movie captured in the
camera, the above dialog box will NOT appear even if the
camera is connected to the MAC.
2. Click the ‘Save’ button to start the file transfer. If all the
pictures stored in the camera were captured by using the
“Continuous capture” function, a QuickTime movie file
will be created. In case of normal still pictures, numerical
numbers (starting from 1 to maximum number of photos)
will be appended to the selected filename and saved in
PICT format.
3. After finishing the file transfer, a dialog box will display to
ask if the user want to clear the camera memory. Click
‘Yes’ to delete all the pictures in the camera or click ‘No’
to retain the memory.
4. For movie file, double click the file and the QuickTime
application will be launched and playback will start
automatically. For still picture file, double click the file and
a list of image applications available will be displayed,
select the one which is PICT format compatible.
For example, select “Picture Viewer” or “Adobe PhotoShop”.
Downloading the pictures by using Adobe
PhotoShop Plug-ins (MAC)
Note: This function is only applicable to those users with
Adobe PhotoShop installed in the MAC computer.
1. Launch the Adobe PhotoShop application
2. Select “File”
3. Select “Import”
4. Select “Oregon Scientific DS3886 / YC@m Import ...”
5. A dialog box with pictures displayed as thumbnail images
will appear. Select the desired pictures by clicking on the
individual thumbnail image or click “Select All” to select
all the pictures.
6. Click “Import” to transfer the selected pictures to the
PhotoShop application software.
7. Pictures can now be saved or edited by using the
PhotoShop built-in functions.
To use the exciting software included with your DS3886, click
the start button in Windows. From the START menu, click
PROGRAMS then click on the software you wish to use.
Help screens are included with each program.
Important: Before using the software, photos must be
downloaded from the DS3886 to the PC.
Photo Base
With “Photo Base” you can create photo albums, slide shows,
video postcards, greeting cards, or send your photos by
email to friends and relatives.
Note: In the photo album drop-down menu, there are two
choices: “photos” and “new.” The photo’s included in the
“photo” selection have been selected and included by ArcSoft
and have not been taken with the DS3886.
Photo Studio
After photos have been arranged in a photo album, with
“Photo Studio” you can change the way they look. Use “Photo
Studio” to edit and retouch photos, change colors, cut and
paste, and add special effects.
Photo Fantasy
“Photo Fantasy” is a collection of photos, including football
and basketball players, ballerina and astronaut, to which you
can add your face or any other face from a downloaded photo.
Note: The CD must be in the CD-ROM drive to use this software.
Photo Montage
Turn your photo into a montage collage with “Photo Montage.”
Note: The CD must be in the CD-ROM drive to use this software.
Photo Printer
With a compatible color printer connected to your PC, you
can print out your photos using “Photo Printer.”
Video Creator: Pictures taken in continuous mode on your
camera can be converted to an AVI movie on your PC using
the Video Creator. Please note that all pictures on your
camera and not just those created in continuous mode will
be made into an AVI movie.
1. Make sure your camera is connected via the USB port
and that the driver has been installed successfully.
2. Select PROGRAMS in the Windows menu, and select
“Video Creator” in the Video Creator directory.
3. Select CREATE and input a filename for your AVI movie file.
4. Select OPEN and input the filename. Your movie will be
able to be played.
Windows NetMeeting
: To use the camera as a web
camera for communicating live with your friends, or video
conferencing, the Windows Netmeeting (included in this
CDROM) must be installed. In addition, you must select the
Oregon Scientific DS3886 as the video camera device.
1. First be sure to download all your pictures to your PC and
save them. Using the camera as a web camera will erase
all pictures stored in the camera memory.
2. Connect the camera to your PC as described above.
3. Run the Windows Netmeeting.
4. Select Tools and then Options.
5. Select Video and the Video camera properties menu will
be displayed.
6. Select Oregon Scientific DS3886 and click OK.
Important: An Internet email account is required for connection
to the Internet.
Note: The DS3886 must be connected to the PC to use the
video feature and software.
Notice of FCC Compliance
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This
device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) This
device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this product not
expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void user’s authority to use this product.
Note: This product has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This product generates, uses and
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in particular installation. If this product does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the product off and on, the user is
encouraged to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
- Increase the separation between the product and the
affected equipment.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television
technician for assistance.
Tested To Comply With FCC Standards FOR HOME OR
Important: Shielded cables must be used with this product
to ensure compliance with the Class B FCC limits.
Taking Care of Your Camera
With careful treatment you will have many years of fun with
your DS3886 Digital Camera!
1. Do not immerse the camera in water. Water will damage
the electronic components.
2. Do not bang or drop the camera as this may damage
the electronic components.
3. Do not clean the camera with household cleaners or
4. To clean the camera casing, carefully wipe the casing
with a clean soft cloth that has been slightly dampened
with water.
5. To clean the lens, gently blow on the lens to remove dust
and dirt, then wipe the lens with a camera lens cleaning
6. Turn the camera off when not in use.
7. When battery power is exhausted, replace the old
batteries with new batteries. Do not mix old batteries with
new batteries.
8. Only insert the batteries in the polarity direction as shown
in block 1, above.
9. Do not put anything into the battery compartment except
10. Batteries contain dangerous chemicals and if mistreated
or improperly disposed of can cause harm, injury or damage.
11. Do not open the camera casing or tamper with the
camera’s electronic components; doing so will void the
camera’s warranty.
Important Note
Pictures are stored into a volatile memory which may be
lost under the following conditions :
1. Sliding the ON/OFF switch (located under the battery
compartment door) to the “OFF” position.
2. Replacing the batteries
3. In case the battery level is too low
- Always save the pictures to PC before attempting
such operation.
Memory : 26 Pictures at 640 X 480 pixels
107 Pictures at 320 X 240 pixels
Color Resolution : 24 bit
Focus Range : 50 cm to Infinity (focus free)
Memory Type : SDRAM (8M byte)
Create Video File : 10 Seconds @ 320 X 240
PC Camera Mode : Yes
Continuous Capture : 10 fps
Self Timer : 10 Seconds
PC Interface : USB
Buzzer Output : Yes
Tripod Mount : Yes
Display : LCD Status Display
Power : 2 AA-Size 1.5V Alkaline Battery
Battery Life : Approximately 10 hours of
continuous use
Automatic Off : 30 Seconds
Temperature : Operation: 32
F - 104
C - 40
Storage: -4
F - 140
C - 60
Weight : 97 g.
Dimensions : 112 L X 40 D X 76 H (mm)
Accessories : USB Cable, Strap, Mini-Stand Cardle
Customer Assistance
Should you have questions or require additional information,
please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-
853-8883 or via email at helpme@oscientific.com
Oregon Scientific warrants this product to be free of manufacturing
defects for 90 days from retail purchase. Defective products
are be returned to the place of retail purchase.
This warranty does not cover products subjected to tampering,
abuse, misuse or accidental damage.
Self Timer
Clear Photos
High Resolution
High Resolution
Low Resolution
Press the
button to sequence
through the camera
Asiaankuuluvat Manuaalit Oregon Scientific digitaalikamera DS3886